

Meet Musico, the music genie ready to bring your musical ideas to life! This AI-driven software engine is all about generating tunes that match your vibe, whether it’s through gestures, movements, code, or other sounds. Brace yourself for a musical journey where your input becomes the driving force behind a symphony of creativity.

From Copyright-Free Beats to Real-Time Rhythms: Musico’s Diverse Toolbox

Musico isn’t just your average music maker – it’s a versatile companion with a mix of traditional and modern machine learning algorithms. Dive into the world of semi-assisted and fully automatic composition, or let AI lend a helping hand in the creative process. Explore the Impro application, where musicians take the reins in real-time, steering Musico with intuitive gestures.

Unlocking Endless Possibilities: Mapping and Real-Time Reactions

Musico goes beyond the ordinary, mapping and reacting in real-time to a variety of control signals. This opens the engine to a realm of endless possibilities for interactive and dynamic musical experiences. And there’s more – the engine’s potential extends to digital storytelling and media, with plans for an enhanced soundtrack plugin, all supervised by dedicated humans to ensure consistently valuable results.

Innovate Your Musical Journey: Musico’s Creative Toolbox

Say goodbye to limitations and hello to Musico’s innovative toolbox! Whether you’re sketching out musical ideas or crafting full-fledged songs, this music-making companion is here to elevate your creative process. Dive into a world where your musical imagination takes the spotlight, guided by the genius of Musico’s AI magic.

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