AI Color Wheel

AI Color Wheel

Color Wheel is a cool tool that uses AI to color your logos, illustrations, wireframes and other graphics. It gives you tons of color ideas based on different art styles, from classical to modern.

How to use Color Wheel?

It’s super easy to use Color Wheel. Just upload a flat design and see how it looks with different colors. You can also adjust the wheels to get different color schemes, like analogous, complementary and more. Plus, you don’t need to sign up or anything. Your designs are stored in your browser, so you can access them anytime.

What else can Color Wheel do?

Color Wheel is not only fun, but also free for non-commercial use. You can also check out its API on Github, if you want to see how it works. And if you want to stay updated on new design tools powered by deep learning, you can subscribe to their newsletter.

Bonus: Make your logo with Brandmark

If you need a logo for your project, you can also try Brandmark. It’s a free logo maker that lets you create a unique logo in minutes. You don’t need an account, either. Just enter your name and choose a style, and you’re good to go.

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